Copyrights and Trademarks

If you are seeking a copyright attorney or a trademark attorney, E.L. Key Law Group LLC is home to some of the finest copyright lawyers and trademark lawyers in Atlanta.


In the wake of rapid technological innovation, the complexity level of copyright issues has increased exponentially. The lawyers of E.L. Key Law Group LLC are experienced in tackling these multifaceted issues and providing innovative solutions. In light of these advancements, copyrights are now created, distributed, exploited and owned in non-traditional ways. Our attorneys have widespread and in-depth familiarity with these issues, as well as content-specific copyright matters, including risks with use and ownership of user-generated content and content sharing (i.e., video, audio, photo, etc.).


What is in a name? For many companies, the answer is “everything.” Trademarks (the names, words, and other symbols our clients use to identify themselves) can constitute a company’s most valuable assets. Because, under U.S. law, trademarks are valueless without the underlying goodwill symbolized by the particular mark, expert counsel in the creation, maintenance, and enforcement of brands is indispensable.

E.L. Key Law Group LLC recognizes that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to procuring, maintaining, enforcing and commercializing trademarks and copyrights, our attorneys understand our clients’ businesses and competitive landscapes. This enables us to collaborate with clients to develop best practices that suit their portfolios and business needs.

We have extensive experience in all facets of trademark and copyright law and have the insight and legal skills to advise clients in a variety of industries, including:

  • Consumer Products
  • Technology
  • Entertainment, Gaming and Sports
  • Financial Services
  • Hospitality
  • Life Sciences, Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals
  • Professional Services
  • Restaurants, Food and Beverage
  • Retail, Fashion and Luxury Goods
  • Education

Experts in business and entertainment law

We are proud to provide experienced, innovative legal counsel.